Pangaio Mountain – Path of Mesoropi

Mesoropi is a village in the municipality of Pangaio in the regional unit of Kavala and it is the starting point of one of the most beautiful routes that goes up to the mountain of Orpheus, the “path of Mesoropi” In its present form, it was formed in 2006 by the Kavala Forestry Department and its various branches are leading to different places of the mountain. We are going to hike up to a mountain cave above the village where there is also a spring called Voskovrisi.


Distance from Thessaloniki: 125 km

Toll: 3,50 €

Place to eat: Kastanies Tavern 17 € per person

European Emergency Number:  112

Fire Brigade Dept: 199

Medical Emergency:  166 

Kavala Forestry Dept: 2313309940


Mesoropi – Voskovrisi

Route Information

Route Description: Trekking

Difficulty: Easy and demanding after the middle of the route

Route Length: 4,9 km

Water in route: Yes

Duration: 2h 40 min

The route took place at MAR 2023

Team members: 7 adults 1 child

ATTENTION: Time and length is for ascending only. To calculate total time and length you need to multiply x2

We arrive at the village Mesoropi by following Egnatia road from Thessaloniki to Kavala and taking the Moustheni’s exit. The path starts just outside the village. By following the road signs we reach a small plateau where we can park the cars. At the beginning we are walking for a while on a dirt road and in about 500m we meet the informational sign of the route.


This is the point where we actually enter the path and from there our exciting route through the dense forests of Pangaio Mountain begins. In about 200m we pass over the small stream, over the first wooden bridge and go uphill. The stream starts from Voskovrisi and will accompany us almost all the way. The path continues uphill and it is relatively easy. It moves through the gorge and the dense forest. It is very well maintained with protective wooden fences and wooden steps on the slippery and rough spots. It also has designated resting areas with benches and gazebos. The presence of water accompanies us for quite a long time, offering a pleasant coolness that makes the ascent relaxing. As we climb, we admire the small waterfalls and the small pools formed by the flow of water. At about 2.5 km we cross the second small bridge and there the first, relatively easy part of the trail ends.

From this point, the path starts to become more uphill with steep inclines. It does not become difficult but is starting to be demanding and requires some physical fitness and more attention. We continue the climb and we reach the junction of two streams and the third and last bridge of our route.

We cross the bridge and after a while we come out in a characteristic clearing with many ferns and a steep incline called “Puliana” (in the summer you need to be careful because the fern is high and you can’t see the path well). The path climbs almost straight up through the ferns and then continues with consecutive traverses on the bare slope. We climb along with it until we find again the wooden fences of the path and a ruined log cabin.

If we want to climb to the high peaks of Mount Pangaio, right after the ruined log cabin at the first turn of the trail, we continue straight northeast (difficult and demanding route, about 4 hours). But we want to go to Voskovrisi so we continue northwest. At this point there is a sign to help the climber find his way. We enter a beech forest gaining altitude.

We see a sign that says “To cave 640m)” and after a while we reach the neck of the path that descends steeply to a stone staircase and climbs again to reach after a while a large hole at the bottom of a vertical rocks formation. Water gushes out from everywhere forming small streams that later are getting together, forming the torrent that accompanied us in the canyon. We are in Voskovrisi.

Time for relaxation after the strenuous effort, especially in the second part of the trail, taking necessary photos as souvenirs of the beautiful moments of our companionship, and returning to Mesoropi via the same trail, for dinner in the local tavern